Christopher Smith

The English born sculptor currently living in Magdeburg studied Fine Art at Leeds College of Art & Design and Staffordshire University. His sculptural work often takes a simple form, which is then given life through its construction using unwanted, discarded and recycled objects. These mostly recognizable elements ensure a different experience for every observer, often made more light-hearted by the inclusion of toys. The juxtaposition of the objects and materials lead to an enriched version of the original concept.

1975: Geboren in Northallerton, Nord Yorkshire, England.

1995-96: BTEC Diplom in Kunst am Leeds College of Art&Design.

1996-99:Bachelor-Studium der bildenden Kunst an der Staffordshire University.

2003-2004: Studium der Lehrbefähigung (PGCE) als Kunstlehrer an der University of Leeds.

Seit 2009: Kunstlehrer und freischaffender Künstler in Magdeburg

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The Light Sleeper.

There are something’s we all share, tiredness, happiness, excitement, sorrow, we don’t need to label them to know they exist; the word creates so many  misunderstandings. I aim at creating a feeling an instant of feeling in amongst a mood, the memory of which is triggered by a smell as it always is. If I could write about this sensation there would be no need to visualise it, to construct it. If I tell you everything about this sculptural visualisation of a moment, you will see nothing, only words, words that are thrown togetherin arguments, taken out of context creating angry retort. Breathe in. Breathe out, this outward movement is controlled by the proportions that make up your body, they belong only to you, the speed, the depth of breath. Through the nose when I concentrate, through the mouth, drying my lips when not. Something outside drops, I wake. Deep sleeper, light sleeper, it is not your conscious choice yet one made for you by the millions of molecular actions passing by every second within you. And in this moment between sleep and wake, all that was subconscious is sucked without relent into the conscious.

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