Jana Stejskalová
Born in 1990, works and lives in Ústí nad Labem and Prague, Czech republic
Student of FAD UJEP – Department of Curatorial Studies, Ústí nad Labem
Co-founder of In Vitro Gallery, Ústí nad Labem
As a student of Art Curating, Jana is participating in various projects with other art students. For three years she is taking care of In Vitro Gallery – a site-specific street object, every semester she is participating in final semester works exhibition with guided tours for public and participating in major faculty exhibitions such as Reconstruction in Emil Filla Gallery or art colloquium in Pilsen.
Her speciality is low budget project management.
Selected curated projects
„Medium Loci“, travelling exhibition project, Praha, Ústí nad Labem, Neratovice, etc.
„Reconstruction“, Emil Filla Gallery, Ústí n. L.
„Power of Region“, Gallery of West Bohemia, Pilsen
Medium Loci
The title of this exhibition project – “Medium Loci” is a combination of words medium and genius loci. We use it this way to point out the fact that place or region itself, through it’s genuine qualities can represent visual medium.
We have decided to deny the general concept of transporting the same artworks around several art venues and showing them over and over. Instead, we prepare the entire show specifically for the selected location. We visit it in advance so we can react in our personal way. Exhibition usually consists of photographs, video installations and figurative reactions to the gallery space.
In each city, artists dig in local history,current political and cultural situation. This way, they often provide local people with new point of view, both socially and aesthetically.
Artists: Marie Fišerová, Alžběta Kočvarová, Jana Koroleva, Tomáš Lumpe, Pavel Matoušek, Jáchym Myslivec a Daniela Šrámková
Curators: Silvie Milková, Jana Stejskalová
7. 5. 2015 Oranžerie Václava Havla, Ostrov nad Ohří
9. 2. 2015 Společenský dům, Neratovice
28. 1. 2015 NoD Mini, Praha
5. 11. 2014 Galerie NF, Ústí nad Labem
Contact: jana.stejskalova01@gmail.com