Kellie Bornhoft

The abandonment of place within a location such as Magdeburg, which is filled with abundant historical significance is rich with material like  sounds, feelings, and language. The visceral material of the environment is the medium I intend to work with.  By exposing the roots of Magdeburg and the building, I intend to create art that refers to past and present in the form of image, sound, and installation.

I plan to respond directly to my experience of the location by creating a sound piece onsite. The volume of the sound piece will increase as you approach the sensor. Alongside this piece, I will install a kinetic sculpture that dissolves handwritten text (collaged from local archives of newspapers and documents) in an acrylic box of water. With the installation of the two works, I also want to install fragmented found objects and photographs. I plan on arriving 3-4 weeks ahead of install to investigate and create the work (with kinetic sculptures prepared.) The total installation will require at least three meters of wall space, but more would be prefered as dimensions of the work are variable.

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